Why I write

My name is Jaden Jackson. I am 16 years old and I am a junior at Rancho San Juan High School. My passion and purpose in life would be to strive to be successful in anything I do and to learn as much as I can in all I do. 

Writing we all do it. We write notes, lists, paragraphs, and sentences. Do you know why you write? Why do I write? For me, that is a question left unanswered. I know the why behind almost everything I do. I know why my muse is my muse, I know why I do what I do but I cannot figure out why I write. For something I spend most of my time doing, it puzzles me I don’t have a why for why I like to write or even why I write in general. As I go along this path of expanding my writing look to answer the question left unknown. To me, writing is a stressful, joyous, bad but wonderful way I convey how I feel to the world. I like writing and I enjoy all the different topics of writing but I haven’t thought of the reasons behind why and how I write the way I do. That is a question I haven’t thought much about. I hope to look and find this answer, as I grow as a writer. I want to grow in different aspects of writing. If I started to expand my thinking through writing I will be able to answer this question.

When I write for school I feel stressed and tired. When I write for fun I feel relieved and eager. When I write for myself I feel open and happy. In all situations, I sit on my bed, window open, room dark except the LEDs glowing on the roof. Computer on my lap, fingers clicking away on my keyboard. Cars passing by, sirens in the distance. My focus is locked on the words my fingers type onto my screen and as I write, I feel all my stress about my work leaving my body and going to my computer screen. My life feels easier and my thoughts are told.

In some ways, I relate writing to my sport of basketball. Writing is like being a point guard, trust is key. Trust your mind and it all flows out. With no trust, you turn the ball over. Sometimes you push the pace, sometimes you walk it down… I push the pace and my ideas flow on the court and on the keyboard. In writing, I use my ideas to score on my essay, in basketball I use my ideas to score on the court… in both cases, I’m shooting to win.

When I was young my writing was misspelled and bubbly. When I got to middle school it gained an edge. When I got to High School it evolved with maturity. As I move to college, I want my writing to take a step just as I do. Writing can be many different things as well as many different styles. One thing I know is when I grow old, I want my writing to be free and reflective.

One thought on “Why I write”

  1. Jaden,
    I enjoyed reading about your experiences and feelings about writing. This was a very intriguing piece to read. The awesome comparison you made between basketball and writing was very outstanding. I found the line “I use my ideas to score on my essay, in basketball I use my ideas to score on the court… in both cases, I’m shooting to win.” very powerful because it shows how committed you are to both subjects. But not only that it shows how passionate and striving you are for writing and playing basketball. It proved how you will strive for the best outcome in both places. I can not wait to read more of your outstanding writing in the future.


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